RNL’s AI Governance and Education Services

Not Sure Where to Begin with Responsible AI Use on Your Campus?  Let RNL Help.

Navigating the Implementation of Responsible and Ethical AI in Higher Education

AI technology presents a transformative opportunity for higher education, promising to enhance learning experiences, streamline operations, and drive innovation. However, the rapid advancement of AI also introduces significant challenges related to academic integrity, data privacy, and ethical implications. 

To harness the full potential of AI while mitigating risks, universities must establish robust governance frameworks. In addition, equipping your teams with a strong foundation in AI is essential for building confidence and ensuring successful AI implementation. By understanding the capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations of AI, your teams can make informed decisions, develop effective strategies, and mitigate potential risks. 

RNL, with our deep understanding of higher education and expertise in AI, offers the strategic guidance needed to develop a comprehensive AI governance framework, including comprehensive AI education to empower your teams. Our approach empowers universities to confidently embrace AI while upholding their institutional values and meeting regulatory requirements. 

We Specialize In

Governance Assessment

Assessing the status of AI governance and usage within universities and identifying areas for improvement. 

Policy Coaching and Development

Creating foundational AI policies tailored to the needs of higher education institutions. 

Foundational AI Education

Promoting ethical AI practices among faculty, staff, and students through effective education and training that empowers responsible AI decision-making.

AI Monitoring Support

Establishing robust monitoring systems to effectively manage and evaluate AI applications on campus.

Effectively Manage Risk

With our assistance, universities can skillfully navigate AI risks, boost operational efficiency, and attain academic excellence.

The Cost of Doing Nothing

Privacy and Security Risks

If universities don’t carefully manage AI usage, they could face serious privacy and surveillance issues. This could lead to more violations of student privacy and increased surveillance, undermining trust, and complicating university management. 

Financial Strain

Without proper AI governance, siloed universities departments might spend a lot on expensive AI systems. Unregulated AI in administrative processes can lock universities into costly and complex tech systems, increasing dependence on corporate vendors and reducing operational transparency and accountability.

Impact on Teaching and Learning

AI without proper safeguards could undermine teacher-student relationships, impose rigid teaching models, and spread misinformation, negatively affecting the quality of education, and learning outcomes. 

Underprepared Graduates

Not including AI education in the curriculum could leave graduates less competitive in the job market, lacking essential skills needed to work with AI technologies.

Erosion of Academic Integrity

Using AI to automate teaching and assessments without the proper guardrails could devalue teachers’ professional expertise and judgment, risking a decline in the overall quality of education. 

Threat to Longer-Term Viability

Universities need to carefully consider the long-term implications of AI on education, ensuring changes are beneficial. Thoughtful AI integration is essential, balancing innovation with ethical and practical considerations. 

Select the Service Option that is Best for Your Campus

AI Governance Tier 1: Foundations Package – $15,000

Our AI Governance Foundation Package is designed to equip your institution with the essential tools and knowledge to harness the power of AI responsibly and effectively. This comprehensive package provides a solid groundwork for building a robust AI governance framework. 

Package Includes:  

  • AI Governance Maturity Assessment: A deep dive into your university’s current AI landscape to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. 
  • AI Governance Essentials Workshop: A half-day intensive workshop tailored to university administrators, providing actionable insights and best practices for establishing a strong AI governance structure.  
  • AI 101 On-Demand Course: Accessible learning modules to educate your faculty & staff on AI fundamentals, ethical considerations, and risk management. Regularly charged $299 per registrant. Foundations package includes availability of course for all full and part-time faculty and staff for 6 months.   

AI Governance Tier 2: Acceleration Package – $25,000

Designed for universities seeking to rapidly advance their AI capabilities, our AI Governance Acceleration Package offers comprehensive support and in-depth training. This package equips your institution with the tools and expertise to optimize AI initiatives and achieve tangible results. 

Package Includes: 

  • AI Governance Maturity Assessment: A deep dive into your university’s current AI landscape to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.  
  • AI Governance Essentials Workshop: A half-day intensive in-person workshop tailored to university administrators, providing actionable insights and best practices for establishing a strong AI governance structure.  
  • AI Essentials for University Administrators/Key Stakeholders Training: 90-hour virtual training geared toward University administrators designed to help them understand its core principles and potential applications, so they can position their universities for long-term success. Recommend no more than 10 participants per course. Participants will receive a certificate of completion, an AI Reference Guide, and a guide to implementing practical AI solutions at an institution.   
  • AI Essentials for Faculty and Staff: One-hour virtual or in-person training session is designed to equip faculty and staff with a foundational understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Learn about the core concepts, potential applications, and practical implications of AI in higher education. Recommend limit to 20 a session for virtual session. Option to conduct training in person to larger group for additional fee. Participants will receive a certificate of completion and an AI Reference Guide. 
  • AI Usage Policy Templates:  
    • For Student Code of Conduct: Navigate the complexities of AI integration with our expertly crafted policy template. Designed to protect academic integrity while fostering innovation, this essential tool provides a clear framework for student AI use.  
    • For University Operations: Mitigate risks and optimize AI implementation with our comprehensive policy template. Tailored to the unique challenges of higher education, this document provides a robust framework for governing AI use across your institution. Protect sensitive data, ensure ethical AI practices, and maximize the benefits of this transformative technology. AI 101 On-Demand Course: Accessible learning modules to educate your entire workforce on AI fundamentals, ethical considerations, and risk management. 
  • AI 101 On-Demand Course: Accessible learning modules to educate your faculty & staff on AI fundamentals, ethical considerations, and risk management. Regularly charged $299 per registrant. Acceleration Package includes availability of course for all full and part-time faculty for 12-months. 

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